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He is Spanish so he's used... (drive) on the right. Did you remember... (send) your sister a card? It's her birthday today. Have you tried... (read) a book to help you to sleep? Nowadays I'm used... (go) to bed early. He'll never forget... (see) the Grand Canyon for the first time. He offered... (drive) me to the airport. I'll stop... (lend) you money if you waste it on cigarettes. Maya stopped... (tie) her shoelace. John suggested... (go) together in one car. Will you stop... (make) so much noise, boys? It's difficult to get used... (sleep) in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on. Linda offered... (look after) my cat while I was out of town. Could you please stop... (whistle)! I'm trying... (concentrate) on my work. Переходим к ответам на упражнения по герундию и инфинитиву. ОТВЕТЫ Exercise 1. To get a good job – 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 Getting a good job – 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 Exercise 2. 1 walking; 2 to send, 3 to do; 4 playing; 5 reading; 6 to drink Exercise 3. come, pause, look, knock 2. stay, to take, promise 3. answering, ring 4. listening, hearing 5, go, studying, to take, to phone 6 to listen, not to show, to keep, going.

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Triunfos robados peliculas completas en español latino atino capitulo 1 completo

REPLAY – Enfoirés Kids (TF1): Les Enfoirés version jeunes talents Les Enfoirés présentaient pour la première fois une version Kids du programme. Un concert diffusé hier soir sur TF1. © DR Sur la scène de l'Aréna du Pays d'Aix, de jeunes chanteurs reprennent les titres phares interprétés par les Enfoirés. Le concert Enfoirés Kids, proposé par les Restos du Cœur, a été enregistré le dimanche 19 novembre à 14h, par des jeunes chanteurs connus du grand public qui ont repris en des chansons "chorales" des Enfoirés. Avec une vingtaine de tableaux, une mise en scène élaborée, des décors et des costumes sophistiqués, l'événement a nécessité plus de sept mois de préparation. De jeunes talents de la chanson française se sont prêtés à cette expérience solidaire: Lisandro Cuxi, Lenni-Kim, Jane Constance, Evan et Marco, Lou, Angelina, Cassidy, Antoine, Hakob, Matéo, Robin, Martin, Simon, Amandine, Alexander Wood, Mareva, Betyssam, Leeloo et Matéo, Robin et Simon des New Poppys. Une dizaine d'Enfoirés les accompagne sur scène, parmi lesquels Jenifer, Patrick Fiori, Nolwenn Leroy, Michaël Youn, Lorie Pester et Jean-Baptiste Maunier.

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level 1 My eight-year-old loves the show. She has been asking why we have to wait a whole week for the next episode. I just wish it wasn't on so late. Why did they schedule a show aimed, at least in part, at children to air at 9:00 pm? level 2 Catch it on Hulu the next day. level 1 Mine too! The 12 year old, learning how small he really is, sat up and looked at me and said "my mind has just been blown" The 10 year old just likes the CGI. level 2 My 11-year old daughter had the same reaction. She got a weird look on her face, and said "I feel really tiny". I told her that it was even more awesome when you think about it, because of all the ways to be alive in the universe, we got to be alive together at the same time and to be intelligent enough to understand that. level 1 This makes me wish there were dutch dubs so I could watch it with my 6 year old cousin who I often look after. level 2 watch it, there's not that much dialogue that you cannot "translate" it to him in real time, plus the sooner he starts to learn English, the better.

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January 13, 2021, 1:35 am, 2024